Spring Term 2025 Specialist Sports Booking Form are live.
This is for children in years 1 and 2 only.
Our Spring Term 2025 sports sessions commence on the week beginning Monday 6th January 2025 and run up to and including the week beginning Monday 31st March 2025.
Historically, our sports courses become full quickly so please ensure you make your booking and payment promptly to secure your space. If a sports course is unavailable to select, it means that the course is full. Please note that being on the Autumn Term course does not automatically guarantee a place for the next term's course, you must rebook.
SSUK run after school sports activities this year at the Grove site led by qualified and experienced coaches. These are an ideal introduction into the development of specific sports covering the core aspects required.
If a course if full it will not be available to select on the booking form. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please email ssuk@theboutiquedaynursery.com
Monday: Year 1 & 2 Football £78 (12 sessions) (FULL)
Tuesday: Year 1 & 2 Multi Sport £77 (3 spaces left)
Wednesday: Year 1 & 2 Tennis £90 (12 sessions) (FULL)
Thursday: Year 1 & 2 Football £78 (12 sessions) (FULL)
First sessions commence week beginning Monday 6th January.
Last sessions are held on and include the the week commencing Monday 31st March.
After school sports sessions finish at 4.10pm and collection is at 4.15pm by the double gates directly in front of the nursery. If your child attends after school childcare, they will be brought back to childcare after their session.